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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi Friends and Families!

Welcome to my first Blog post! As some of you are aware, I’ve made the decision to say yes to a wonderful opportunity with Adventures in Missions – World Race.


What is World Race?

To put it simply, World Race is a journey where a team of 20-45 individuals come together to journey around 11 countries for 11 months to share and live out the call of the Great Commission that Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

We will be traveling to 3 continental regions (Central America, South America & Southeast Asia) where we will have opportunities to partner with the local hub country (an Adventures in Mission Base established within that region). From there, we will train under the established hub on: Culture, ministries and how to be effective while there. Some of the ministries include Community outreach, children’s & youth ministry, evangelism, Church planting, feeding programs, anti-trafficking ministry and student ministries just to name a few.


Why World Race?

Towards the end of 2020, I had this longing to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ. I just didn’t know how to continue growing. By the grace of God, he continued placing many wonderful people in my life to share and always point me back to Christ. It wasn’t until the first quarter of 2021, when I really felt a strong tugging in my heart to do more. Oddly enough, that tugging happened when I was excitedly planning a trip outside of the country. As I was putting plans in place while on break at work one day, I remember sitting at my desk planning and feeling a tug in my heart as a voice at the back of my head echoed “You said you’d follow me.” Then I recalled the scripture from James 4:13-15(esv). 

“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’ – yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that”.

I was reminded that my life on this earth is temporary. I could choose to continue staying where I am physically comfortable, where I have a stable job and a roof over my head. Or I could choose to pick up my cross and follow Jesus, where I hope to be challenged, shaped and molded more in His likeness. 

It was shortly after this moment that I came across an Ad for World Race on Facebook. I looked into it, but was uncertain at first. But for some reason, World Race just kept lingering in my thoughts throughout the following days, weeks and months. It was April of this year that I said yes! The moment I decided yes and sent my application into World Race, my heart swelled with excitement, fear, anxiety and peace. A peace beyond understanding. 


What are ways that you can join me in this journey?

1) Prayer! Prayer! Prayer! – I ask desperately for prayers as this is the one thing the team and I will always need. I know the enemy will do his best to attack, discourage and deceive, but with the help of your prayers I know God’s will will always overcome.

2) World Racers will need to fundraise a total of $18,700 for this journey – any sort of donation is always appreciated. If the Lord is placing it on your heart to donate, please click the “donate” within my blog at the link below. I know the total may be a lot, but I know that God will always provide just enough.

Thank you so much for choosing to join me in this journey in expanding the Kingdom of Heaven, and Praises to God for the invitation in joining Him. I’m excited and nervous and can’t wait to see His plan unfold!

7 responses to “Why World Race?”

  1. Cheeka, so proud of you sis?? Tears of joy for you but already miss you even though you haven’t left yet?? The world is bless to have you embark on this journey! I have been praying for you & will continue ?? Cannot wait to hear & see everything?? My heart is w u in spirit always ??

  2. God has great plans for you and I am so excited to see where He is going to take you and the stories He has written for you. I’m beyond happy for you and know God smiling! Will be praying for you and contributing every way that I can for I know, we are on this journey with you mentally, emotionally, & spiritually! Keep giving your yes to God and He will provide as He’s promised. So proud of you! Love you! XOXO

  3. Wow can’t believe you are going! It’s so amazing to have a woman in our church doing these things, you are ENCOURAGING!!! Gonna miss you these next 11 months but I know you are doing Gods amazing work that many don’t! I will always pray for you!!

  4. Wow!! This is AMAZING!!God has wonderful plans in store for you! He’s using you for the greater good and for His wonderful purpose. May all glory be unto Him. And may he protect you and guide you on this journery!!

  5. This is very humbling. I’m excited to see what God has planned for you on this mission. Will be praying for you and your team! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Cheeka, I’m so proud of your accomplishments and your desire to serve our mighty God. Will be praying for your new adventure and that God will use you to further his kingdom. I’m excited for you.